The beaming sun-rays,
The crystal blue beach,
The warm sand our bodies beseech;
All vanished with our summer days.
Winter is near
The holiday we all so revere.
But sometimes, we forget fall,
As if it needs not to be recall…
Autumn, fall,
A time so seemingly dull,
Often fools one into such despair,
That its true meaning evaporate as morning air.
‘Tis true that the opportunity of crunching leaves is taken away,
Here, such moment remains forever a delay.
But as crimson foliages are eluded,
May our memories ceaselessly be exuded.
No time to see each other,
No time to share the sweet smell of an autumn morn’,
But as promising as Earth, our Mother,
Let such a time come as the striking dawn.
No time to share a saccharine kiss,
Only a time spent wishing for an eternal bliss.
Autumn, fall,
Darling, it is you that I call.
Autumn in New York means falling leaves,
Crisp cool waft to pierce through our sleeves;
Some denuded trees,
Roughly any frozen seas.
In such a time easily compared,
Let surface all the times we ever shared.
Like the leaves of rust and scarlet blend,
May our love forever be so tend.
Enigmatic Angel
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